
Scalp Micropigmentation is a relatively new treatment for hair loss having been invented in 2006, but it has proved to be a hugely popular choice for men who want to replace their real hair when they lose it. Skalp® was the 2nd Scalp Micropigmentation company in the world to open and over the years we have treated over 20,000 happy clients, giving them natural, realistic and undetectable results that have boosted their confidence and self-esteem.

When we first opened, for a few years there was only a handful of clinics worldwide offering Scalp Micropigmentation, but as with any new industry once the rest of the world catches on to an effective new treatment, new companies will open, some good and unfortunately some bad, with scalp micropigmentation gone wrong becoming a real issue for some people who fail to use properly qualified services.

Scalp Micropigmentation should only be performed by highly trained professionals

The reality is hugely different, SMP is a very intricate, skilled treatment, and although it is close to a tattoo as it involves pigment being deposited into the skin with a needle, the technique, needles, pigment, and machine is completely different. Sadly, not every tattooist is honest enough to tell their clients this, and the results end up being bad smp that requires painful removal before it can be resolved.

Skalp® treatment examples

Below are 2 examples of Skalp® treatments. The finished results are even, with uniform size dots. The density and colour is matching and blend perfectly with the remaining hair and the hairlines have a natural soft appearance.

Best Scalp Micropigmentation result

In both of these treatment examples, the pictures were taken soon after treatment. The dots will be even smaller and more natural looking once fully settled.

Best SMP result

Botched Scalp Micropigmentation Results

The example below is of a client who went to another Scalp Micropigmentation clinic. The practitioner there assured the client he had been performing Scalp Micropigmentation for 3 years and can deliver soft, natural results. He paid £1,500 for the treatment and he ended up with a very dark, patchy and unnatural result.

Botched Scalp Micropigmentation

This example below was of a client who went to a regular tattooist, the client showed the tattooist pictures of good Scalp Micropigmentation treatments and the tattooist said he could easily replicate the same results as he was an experienced tattooist. He was charged £800 for the treatment. The tattooist used a normal tattoo machine, needles and pigment. You can see the dots are very large, way too dark in colour and the result is very patchy giving the client a very unnatural SMP result.

Bad Scalp Micropigmentation

This client below went to another SMP clinic. The practitioner assured him he had carried out over 300 treatments and could give him a natural result. He was shown examples of treatments that the practitioner claimed they had previously done.

As you can see the result is extremely patchy, with some patches of large black dots surrounded by areas of no pigment at all. After receiving the botched SMP treatment he did some research and found out the practitioner had only completed their 5 day training course 5 months prior. He also found out the examples that he was shown by the practitioner were actually stolen from other clinics.


The below image is an extreme example of Scalp Micropigmentation gone wrong when performed by a practitioner who has not received appropriate training. This was carried out by another tattooist who said he could easily perform an SMP treatment. The client had to undergo extended laser removal treatments and then wait for their scalp to heal before we could help.

Scalp Micropigmentation Gone Wrong

Skalp® fix botched Scalp Micropigmentation treatments

The client in the video below came to us after having a botched Scalp Micropigmentation treatment at another clinic. In this example of scalp pigmentation gone wrong, he had to remove the treatment he had at another clinic as they had given him very large, dark dots all over his head with a very unnatural hairline. We then provided him with a natural looking treatment that looks better than hair transplants or other hair restoration treatment that is advertised today, see his transformation.

Sadly we have about 3-4 clients come to Skalp every week asking if we can fix their unnatural-looking treatments where they have tried to cut corners or have trusted a service that claims to offer smp at a discounted rate. This usually means a painful solution that hurts their head and their wallet!

Would you go to a Tattooist/Dentist/Doctor/Plastic Surgeon that has 3-5 days of training?

All Skalp® practitioners are trained for a minimum of 3 months before they are ready to perform treatment on our clients, undergoing both coursework and practical learning to prepare them for serving real clients. Once they have passed their training, they are then closely monitored and continue to be trained to ensure they are meeting our extremely high standards. Every member of the Skalp team undertakes ongoing training in new techniques too, helping us to stay up to date and offer you the very best solution for your hair loss.

Worryingly, we are now seeing inexperienced practitioners that have just completed a 3-5 day training course in SMP (This is the SMP industry standard training course length outside of Skalp®). It’s also true that as Scalp Micropigmentation has become more and more popular over the years people have seen SMP as a way to make some easy money but when you look at photos and videos of scalp micropigmentation gone wrong, you’ll be convinced not to take a route that seems too good to be true! 

These individuals are trying to cut corners to make money and then promote themselves as the world’s best practitioners. The result is sad for clients who have not done much research as they have their treatment performed by one of these practitioners with little to no experience with minimal training and end up with blotchy, patchy, large dots and very unnatural results.

We even see some of these practitioners who have only had a few days of training then promote themselves as the world’s best Scalp Micropigmentation trainers and offer their own training courses. So you have someone with no experience training the next person to perform SMP!

Ask yourself if would you go to any business that will be performing a permanent treatment on your body that has only completed a 3-5 day training course? It would be bad enough to get a botched tattoo on your back/arms/leg that could be hidden. Scalp Micropigmentation treatment is on your head and is out there for the world to see every second of every day. We understand new practitioners have to start somewhere but a few days of training is not a start, if you happen to be one of the clients in the first year of one of these practitioners you are effectively a guinea pig for them to practice on.

Can Skalp® fix it?

Every week we will have at least 5 people contact Skalp® and say I’ve just had Scalp Micropigmentation at another clinic and I’m not happy. Can you fix it? Sometimes they just have patchy, uneven results, that are slightly too dark or light with unnatural or asymmetrical hairlines, but sometimes their head is way beyond repair with dots that are 5-10 times bigger than they should be and the colour is way too dark and blotchy, and they are now hiding under a hat because they are too embarrassed to be seen in public.

If they are lucky and the other clinic has not gone too dark or given them very large dots all over their head then we can fix it. But sometimes they are not that lucky and the only solution is to remove the whole treatment with a laser and start again.

Do your research!

The message here is to do your research and do a lot of it before choosing your Scalp Micropigmentation clinic.

Skalp® hasn’t built our reputation by chance, we are recognised worldwide as the world’s number one Scalp Micropigmentation clinics because we have the most skilled and experienced practitioners in the industry.

We have completed 10,000’s of undetectable, realistic and natural looking Scalp Micropigmentation treatments and go the extra mile to make the whole treatment process an enjoyable, professional and life changing experience. We are proud that none of our work has ever been included in a scalp micropigmentation gone wrong feature and are here to help you get the results you want without worry! Get in touch today and let’s discuss what we can do to help you.

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