Can kimchi cure baldness?
Over the years we have seen and heard about a lot of potential cures for baldness, but possibly not one that involves eating a South Korean delicacy. One of its key ingredients is cabbage, which is not the most enjoyable vegetable to eat at the best of times, although that could change if it was found to contain properties that restored lost hair. We take a closer look at the claims below to see if there is anything truth to the idea.
What are the kimchi baldness cure claims being made?
According to a new study carried out by scientists, eating kimchi – a staple in Korean cuisine – can help to not only thicken hair but also reverse the balding process.
What is kimchi? It is a popular side dish in Korea that usually features salted and fermented vegetables such as Korean radish or napa cabbage. Although, there are literally hundreds of different vegetables that can be used as the main ingredient. You can add a number of seasonings, including garlic, ginger, spring onions, chilli powder and salted seafood. is often served as a side dish or used as an ingredient in other dishes. It is known for its spicy and tangy flavor. Kimchi is also very healthy as it contains probiotics and vitamins A, B, and C, but can Kimchi cure baldness?
What did the kimchi research involve?
A relatively small sample group of 23 men in the early stages of hair loss were asked to eat a kimchi drink for breakfast and again before bedtime by researchers.
One month later, it was discovered that the average number of hairs had increased from 85 per square centimetre to 90. The study continued for a further three months and the average number of hairs per square centimetre increased to 92.
The findings were published by researchers from Dankook University close to Seoul, South Korea in the World Journal of Men’s Health journal.
Based on their results, the scientists said that kimchi may be able to promote hair growth and reverse baldness. We believe it to be a safer strategy for patients who rely on drugs that can produce some adverse side-effects. They claim that there are a number of reasons why kimchi is effective at reducing baldness. The heightened levels of vitamin C and iron could be the reason why it worked so well in the sample.
Advocates of kimchi claim that regular eating of the dish can offer a wide range of benefits such as slowing down the ageing process as well as improving digestion, increasing beneficial bacteria in the gut, improving skin and eye health, lowering cholesterol, offering anti-inflammatory effects and even preventing some cancers. With all these benefits and now evidence that kimchi cures baldness, it makes sense to add it to your diet.
A previous study, conducted in 2015, produced results that suggest kimchi – and other fermented foods – may also be able to reduce anxiety in young people. It was carried out by researchers at the William and Mary College in Virginia and the University of Maryland, where they found that students eating fermented food expressed fewer symptoms of social anxiety.
Fermented foods for hair loss
Fermented foods such as kimchi are very popular around the globe. Although fermented foods have been enjoyed by a few people for many years, they are now enjoyed by the wider population with more fermented products being readily available. This is because new information about the importance of gut heath and the gut microbiome is being investigated and released. At the moment, we know Fermented foods provide vital healthy bacteria for the gut.
Which fermented foods?
It makes sense then, that eating these fermented foods will improve overall health and possibly reverse baldness:
- Kombocha – Kombucha is a fermented tea beverage that is made by adding a symbiotic culture of bacteria and yeast to sweetened tea and is known for its health benefits.
- Sauerkraut – A traditional German dish made from fermented cabbage. It is usually eaten as a side dish, but can also be used as a topping for sandwiches and hot dogs.
- Kefir – A fermented milk drink that is similar to yogurt, but has a thinner consistency. It is high in probiotics, which are beneficial for gut health.
- Tempeh – A traditional Indonesian food made from fermented soybeans. It is a good source of protein and is often used as a meat substitute in vegetarian and vegan dishes.
- Yoghurt – A fermented milk product that is made by adding bacteria to milk. It is a good source of protein and calcium, we used as a base for dips and salad dressings.
- Apple cider vinegar – made from apples that is known for its acidic taste and various health benefits such as weight loss, blood sugar control and improve symptoms of diabetes, lower cholesterol, and improve skin and hair health.
- Miso – A traditional Japanese food made from fermented soybeans, rice, or barley. It is used as a seasoning and soup base, and is high in protein and vitamins.
What can you do about hair loss right now?
Does kimchi cure baldness? The sample set for the Korean kimchi study only involved 23 people. This study’s sample size is too small to be conclusive. There is still more studies needed before kimchi can be labelled as a cure for balding. We think this offers some hope to those people that are suffering with baldness and who would like to find a natural remedy. With so little research completed so far, we cannot answer the question ‘does kimchi cure baldness’ definitively. We are hopeful that we are on a path to find out!
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