
The Norwood Hair Loss Scale

Today’s blog is on understanding the Norwood hair loss scale. It is a common tool used for self-diagnoses of the severity of male pattern baldness from stages 1- 7. It can help when describing the extent of baldness for treatment or consultation purposes. I’m sure many of you who are considering scalp micro pigmentation have not heard of the Norwood scale, so below is a description.



Norwood Hair Loss Type 1

This stage represents an adolescent hairline with no visible hair loss.

 Norwood Hair Loss Type 2

In the 2nd stage of the scale you can see the transition into maturity, with a minor recession of the frontal hairline.

 Norwood Hair Loss Type 3

In this group you will see a small to moderate amount of hair loss. It shows a further receding of the hairline and thinning at the vertex. It is thought to be the first stage of balding and is advised to consult your doctor for options of treatments.

Norwood Hair Loss Type 4

In this category there is moderate hair loss in the crown and the beginnings of a bald spot at the back of the head; but a thin division of hair between the two still stands. From here on there is no guarantee of cures that will fully restore a full head of hair.

Norwood Hair Loss Type 5

In this level there is a more dramatic amount of hair loss. With only a few fine stands of hair on the top of the head adjoining the crown and sides. Most men in this group may start to look at alternative hairstyles; the best solution at this stage is to crop the hair for one allover length.

Norwood Hair Loss Type 6

In this group there is a large amount of hair loss, and no longer a bridge between the two sides of the head, instead a large section of the scalp is visible.

Norwood Hair loss Type 7

This is the last stage of the scale with the largest amount of hair loss showing receding all the way back to the base and the sides to just above the ears.

It is true that a receding hairline is the start of a certain path to male pattern baldness. But whether you choose to embrace your thinning tresses as part of a natural process or actively seek solutions to enhance your appearance, there is one treatment where you will never be too late.


Skalp micro pigmentation is a simple procedure where tattooing of the scalp can realistically replicate the appearance of a clean-cut full head of hair. Don’t hesitate to call Skalp today to book your consultation.


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