
Shining a Light on Shiny Scalps

a shiny scalp is a big problem among bald men

Before & after of Tony’s  Scalp Micropigmentation treatment at Skalp

Dealing with a shiny scalp after SMP

There has been an awful lot written about anti shine measures for the bonce. A shiny scalp applies just as much to those bald guys as it does to those dealing with hair loss who have had scalp micro pigmentation (SMP). Do you have shiny scalp problems?

For those looking for advice the truth is that many of the articles you read on line just give out the same old advice and bring nothing new to the topic.  Some even offer silly remedies to those suffering from male pattern baldness and do not distinguish between guys who are bald and those who have had hair tattoo treatment.  So here goes, a guide specially for those of you who have had SMP.

What’s the science behind shiny bald heads?

Science Focus explains that the scalp is particularly shiny because of the sebaceous glands. These secrete oil and are found all over our skin, but the scalp has a lot more and this oil coats the skin and provides a more uniform reflective surface. What’s more, studies suggest that more active sebaceous glands could actually play a role in early hair loss.

Shaving routine

The first thing that you need to keep in mind is that oil on a smooth surface will produce shine.  Those who have had SMP usually shave between once a day to every 2-3 days.  There is no doubt that shaving will effect how much your head shines.  That is particularly the case if you wet shave so that the hair is as short as it can be, can absorb no light and as a result the light, especially when the sun is bright, bounces off the skin.

Many people think that wet shaving produces the most authentic look after Scalp Micropigmentation but using a foil or electric shaver will get you great results too. A not so close shave could reduce the chances of a shiny scalp as the hair follicles with stop the reflection on your skin.  If you really can’t give up your razor, then shave against rather than with the grain and that should produce the same effect.

Keep it Clean

Making sure that you scalp is free of grease build up and sebum, substances that are naturally excreted through your pores is vital.  Try a good facial wash with exfoliator or a mild body soap taking care not to dry your skin.  Watch those greasy moisturisers and sunscreens that are oil based.  There are some matt-based ones out there if you look hard enough.

Trial And Error

If you have shiny scalp problems then there are a lot of products on line to help with the anti-shine situation.  We suggest that you purchase a few and test out what works best for you. After all everybody’s skin is different and there is not one anti shine solution for all.  Anti Shine products range from lotions, creams & matt moisturisers to blotting sheets for on the go or loose powders. Find out the best option for your needs and let others know too!

Scalp Micropigmentation is a non-surgical hair loss solution that can give you your freedom back. By choosing to opt for a shaved head look, you no longer have to hide or style your hair. The shaved head look is effortless, timeless and smart. Learn more about scalp micro pigmentation the hairline tattoo that can recreate a full head of shaved hair.

If you are new to SMP and would like to find out more, get in touch!

See More Before & After Photos Of Scalp Micropigmentation

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