
5 Reasons Why You Should Pair a Shaved Head With Facial Hair

happy guy with shaved head and facial hair

Here Are The Five Reasons Why You Should Pair a Shaved Head With Facial Hair

We love the shaved head look! We’re also fortunate to live in an era in which beards and bald heads command a lot of respect. Beards have been on a roll since, well, many years now, while a shav

We love the shaved head look! We’re also fortunate to live in an era in which beards and bald heads command a lot of respect. Beards have been on a roll since, well, many years now, while a shaved or naturally-bald head has been riding a wave of popularity.

That said, why not pair them together for the ultimate shaved head with facial hair look?

You wouldn’t be alone. Men have rocked the beard with a bald head look for several years now and certainly no one is complaining. Considering that celebrities such as Bruce Willis, Samuel Jackson, Michael Jordan, and many others, have sported the style, it can’t be all bad plus, you can be certain that it makes you even more attractive and confident!

The fact is, there are plenty of reasons you should pair your bald head with a beard, and almost any beard style will work. Let’s take a closer look

1.    Both beards and bald heads exude confidence

By shaving what hair you have left – instead of trying to “make do” with an unsightly comb over – you show that you’re comfortable in your skin. You embrace what your body gives you without embarrassment or regrets. Moreover, it makes you appear more mature and in control. And women love men who are in charge of their life, present and future.

Here’s something else. A study conducted by the Social Psychological and Personality Science Journal show that men with thinning hair score the lowest on perceived traits such as dominance and being authoritative. If a bald head is going to earn you more respect, then why wait to shave off what little hair you have left?

How does a beard exude confidence? Let us count (some) of the ways:

  • A beard makes you seem more masculine – more like a full-grown man. It’s particularly helpful if you have a boyish face that is considered “cute” without facial hair. If you grow a beard, however, “cute” turns into “handsome.” That’s more like it.
  • Like a clean-shaven head, a beard makes you seem like you’re your own man; that you’re in charge of your life.

But there’s more:

  • Many studies have shown that a beard adds to your sex appeal and physical attractiveness. And a shaved head with facial hair that women find attractive just seems more confident than everyone else.
  • Beards also make you seem more intelligent. Who wouldn’t want their manhood to be a combination of sexy and intelligent.  

2.    Shaving your head and growing a beard saves you money

All you have to do is add up the money you spend at the barber and on shaving supplies. True, you’ll still need tools such as electric shavers and beard trimmers, but you won’t bust your budget on haircuts, razors and razor cartridges, and other assorted items. Shaved heads are budget friendly!

That’s not to say that you can’t still take pride in how you look, but as a man with a shaved head and facial hair, you can expect the upkeep and maintenance will be less than ever before. Simply invest in a good quality head soap and a weekly exfoliating scrub so that when you shave, you get the smooth and soft look you are going for on your scalp and take time to trim and oil your facial hair for that sleek look you want to achiev

3.    Because you can!

Research shows that men with male pattern baldness make up for the hair that’s missing on the head with the ability to grow a thicker beard than most men, meaning that you would be mad not to opt for the shaved head with facial hair look as you’ll be able to pull it off better than anyone with a full head of hair. You will find that your facial hair is thicker and much coarser than the hair on your head. So, don’t fret if MPB is your enemy. Fight back with a beard that’s the envy of many and create an individual style that exudes confidence and originality.

When you think about cool and confident men, the idea of a shaved head and facial hair look are often top of the list. In reality, some things are just meant to go together and a beard paired with a bald head is no exception. As some observers suggest, a clean shaven face and head look too smooth – without enough contrast in your overall look so adding in carefully organised facial hair can help you bring some character back to your form.

4.    Because a beard and bald head look great together

When you think about cool and confident men, the idea of a shaved head and facial hair look are often top of the list. In reality, some things are just meant to go together and a beard paired with a bald head is no exception. As some observers suggest, a clean shaven face and head look too smooth – without enough contrast in your overall look so adding in carefully organised facial hair can help you bring some character back to your form.

The contrast between a bald head and a beard is ideal as your head won’t seem too uniform and egg-shaped, instead offering interest and complexity. If you’re a man who loves a beard, the contrast will make your beard stand out because it becomes the focal point of your face. If you don’t want to live with the total bald look then you can also consider undergoing a scalp micropigmentation treatment. It will make your hair loss virtually undetectable and provide a different contrast to your chosen facial hair style.

Clever bald man

5.    You will have more style options

We’ve already mentioned that most beard styles look good with a bald head, but let’s narrow it down a bit. Here are some styles that work particularly well with a shaved head:

●      Stubble

Stubble is a great look on most men if it’s cared for properly. It works very well if you have thick, dark facial hair. Just let your facial hair grow for a few days and then trim it down to stubble (and keep it there). The length of your stubble should be the same all over your facial hair area, but remember to shave the edges into a sharp finish for the ultimate look.

●      Full Beard

Again, if you don’t have hair on your head, it’s not a bad idea to show off what you have on your face and there’s no better way to do that than with a full beard. Let your beard grow around your face and moustache area, choosing a length that suits your needs. Remember to keep it well trimmed and apply beard products so that the hair stays supple.

●      The Chin Strap

The Chin Strap has gained popularity in recent years and works well if you have an angular or round face. Simply let your beard grow from your sideburns down and around your chin but keep your moustache area completely shaved and add in sharp lines at the ends of the beard to keep it looking smart and styled.

●      Goatee

It’s hard to go wrong with a full goatee or classic goatee. It’s perfect for men with triangular faces. Choose from a full goatee that incorporates a moustache for added depth or still to a simple goatee that has no moustache, a shaved jaw and a central beard positioned on your chin.

Honestly, the question isn’t whether you should pair a beard with your bald head, but why wouldn’t you? It’s a popular look that balances out your face and gives the appearance of masculinity and confidence. You may be surprised by how good you look.

It’s just another reason why scalp micropigmentation is the best hair loss solution available today. As you mature, so can the treatment, ensuring you always have a look you are happy and comfortable with. You can find answers to all of your scalp micropigmentation questions on our FAQ page here.

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