
How Skalp client Paul Connolly found success and happiness

PaulHere at Skalp we are always rewarded when we see how Micro Pigmentation has helped our clients with their hair loss issues and assisted them physically, spiritually and mentally. But we can genuinely say we are particularly proud of the part we have played in Paul Connolly’s road to success and happiness.

Paul – you can see his wonderful video on how he benefited from Micro Pigmentation on our testimonials page – is now a famous fitness coach who has worked with the stars and is also a best-selling author. But he struggled through and horrific childhood, illiteracy, and trauma and it is a credit to him that it is only through a lot of guts, determination and super-endurance that he has pulled himself up by the bootstraps to be in the enviable position he is in today.

A battle against all odds

Paul experienced devastating rejection almost from the day he was born. The seventh of children in an Irish Catholic family living in Stratford, as a two week old child he was abandoned in a dustbin by his mother. His very early years were spent being looked after by nuns in a convent and then he was transferred to a children’s home in St. Leonards.

Things were about to get drastically worse for Paul. Instead of finding love and care as you may expect, he experienced years of physical, sexual and emotional abuse and borderline malnutrition at the hands of his supposed carers. He now knows that the home was run by a paedophile ring. A life that was filled with mental torture and violence led Paul down a path where he found himself in frequent trouble with the law.

At the age of 9 Paul joined a boxing club in the hopes of becoming a professional fighter and his progress was impressive but his dreams were to be crushed again when a severe accident – a fall from a roof when he was 18 – led to years of further struggles.

A turning point

Paul often cites the real turning point in his life as the time when, in his early twenties, he heard what had happened to the other 5 children who had shared his dormitory at the care home. Only he and one other child were still alive. The other three had committed suicide.

Deciding to do something positive with his life he learnt how to read and write and gained qualifications as a fitness trainer. He became the first personal fitness trainer in London. It was after he worked with Elle McPherson on her workout video that he started training celebrities and went from strength to strength.

Now he is no stranger to the media. He has written two best-selling autobiographies, he has been on breakfast television with Paula Yates, worked on the amazing Skalp video with Ian Salvage, he has a website and is an enormous success in his business as a fitness trainer.

As Paul said in our video he continues to define himself by how he looks. His hair was not only the crowning glory on his super-fit body but it also reflected his age. But he was mortified when he realised he had hair loss issues and was possibly going bald. We are so pleased that the Skalp treatment has helped Paul speed him further down his golden road to success.

This is one guy you are going to hear of more.

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