
Can Scalp Micro Pigmentation help you look younger?

233Ok. We all know that Scalp Micro Pigmentation is a great solution to hair loss. We also know that it can really be a cool and super-sexy fashion statement. What is not so obvious is the fact that it can make you look younger.

I can see the cynics shaking their heads now in disbelief – just another silly and wild internet claim. But it is true. We may not be able to prove it with science but common sense alone is enough. Also take a look at the feedback in our video testimonials. Time and time again we hear the same thing: the treatment has made me look younger, feel younger and given me more confidence in myself.

So let’s look at the facts. 

Hair loss in western society is not really talked about openly. But because the majority of cases are men in middle age – it is instantly related to that age group and lifestyle. Consequently, whatever age you are (and hair loss is quite prolific in teens and early twenties) it is likely you are naturally going to be seen as older than your years.

Because hair loss is not talked about and it happens so gradually, men suffering from male pattern baldness tend to just let it happen. They are likely to be thinking there is nothing they can do about it anyway. If we are treated differently from others then it eventually begins to affect our self-esteem – especially as hair loss is often seen as an inadequacy.

The result can be very subtle but crippling as men suffering from hair loss refrain from peer activities through lack of confidence and belief in themselves….and it’s all because of that assumption we all have that hair loss equals old age.

So how can Scalp Micro Pigmentation help?

Micro Pigmentation is an innovative and fashionable solution for hair loss. After shaving your head, natural pigments are applied at the epidermal level of the scalp to replicate the natural appearance of real hair follicles or strands – depending on your hair loss extent, and desired look. The Skalp® practitioners match flesh and hair colour exactly to your own colour tones. They also design a new hairline that is most aptly suited to your face shape and original hairline.

In effect, you now have a new look. Your new appearance is one of a man who has taken on the highly fashionable shaven head look. For a start this puts you in with a younger more vibrant crowd but most of all of course it masks the fact that you have hair loss. Your old hairline has apparently been replaced.

Fashionable. No hair loss. No wonder you look so much younger.

Still cynical? Take a walk through some of our video diaries – these are not our words. Also Joe said it all when he stated:

“people look at me differently now…I get more attention…it will make you feel happier…younger and more confident.”

Interested in Scalp Micro Pigmentation? Need more information?

We look forward to hearing from you!

Skalp® have clinics around the world. We have clinics in New York, Los Angeles, London, Manchester, Edinburgh and Dublin.

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