
Save Those Pumpkin Seeds For Your Hair This Halloween

Reasons To Reuse Pumpkin Seeds!

pumpkin seeds for hair growth


Halloween and pumpkins go together like ghosts and witches. A few skilful carvings in the right place and that sweet little pumpkin fruit can turn into a devil incarnate overnight. But pumpkins aren’t just for the scariest night of the year. As well as providing the source for great recipes and a truly colourful allotment, the seeds in a pumpkin are actually good for treating hair loss. So, this October 31st why not put that pumpkin to good use before you start filling it with creepy candles…


Not just for Halloween


Here in the UK we are still catching up with the US as to how to prepare our pumpkins for Halloween. Brits just tend to use it to sculpt out those evil faces, hollow it out and then light a candle inside. Great – but all of those delicious and nutritional insides more often than not end up in the waste bin. Our American cousins use every last bit of that big orange fruit. Believe it or not, there are 364 other days of the year when you can enjoy the taste of the pumpkin and also put a little bit of extra hair back on your head…


Getting the right nutrients


As we have often stated in our articles in the past, eating powerful nutrients is a sure way to get your body rejuvenating itself and the right vitamins can help prevent thinning hair and promote hair growth. It could well be your lifestyle that is having such a detrimental effect on your hair!


As well as containing fundamental nutrients such as vitamins A, B6 and C, pumpkins are also a great source of cucurbitin, a unique amino which is thought to have a positive effect on hair growth. Overall, scientists believe that pumpkin seeds have an effect on the testosterone and androgen levels in the body. It is inadequate levels of androgen which is often a cause of hair loss.


OK, so we are all thinking about pumpkins at this time of year – we can’t go anywhere without seeing the promotions for Halloween on every commercial window. But the fact is we should be paying them more attention the whole year round. Just a handful of pumpkin seeds a day can be a real fundamental boost in your fight against hair loss.


How to get the benefits of pumpkin seeds for hair loss


There are two ways to get the benefits of pumpkin seeds for hair growth, and both are easy to do. Firstly you can include pumpkin seeds in your diet to get the nutrients straight into your digestive system. Secondly, you can use an pumpkin seed oil and apply it directly to the scalp. Either works great although the seeds are more readily available, however you can purchase the oil online.


This may sound a little boring for foodies but the fact is you can prepare pumpkin seeds in numerous ways: you can try raw, shelled, dried, roasted or salted. Or why not try a pumpkin seed oil as a dressing on your food? Because it has a strong taste many mix it with other oils and dressings to add variety and improve the basic taste. The oil can also be applied directly to the scalp last thing at night.


pumpkin seed bread


Easy ways to incorporate pumpkin seeds into your diet all year round:


  • Sprinkle on top of home-made bread
  • Add to soups and salads for an extra crunch
  • Snack on pumpkin seeds straight from the packet
  • Add them to your granola or on top of porridge


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