
Hair Restoration

Some people say you can’t put a value on the importance of your hair. While that is true to a degree, unfortunately, we all

Wouldn’t it be amazing if there was a cure for hair loss in a bottle you could buy in your local chemist? Imagine all

Here at Skalp, we are always seeking out the most innovative ways to encourage hair growth in men. We are open-minded when it comes

The Low Down On The Laser Comb For Hair Loss Laser Comb For Hair Loss treatments have been commercially available for over 20 years now.

The problems with hair concealers or hair fibres If you’re dealing with hair loss, using hair concealers may seem like a good short-term fix.

Caffeine hair restoration – a natural way to stimulate hair growth? When we think of caffeine, we think of cola, coffee, and energy drinks.

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