

Male Pattern Baldness- Can We Prevent It? Hair loss is something many men feel self-conscious or anxious about. Although this condition is not a

Emily Ratajkowski Hair Faux Pas “Hair is a fundamental part of beauty, femininity, and identity.” The words posted by model Emily Ratajkowski were insensitive,

6 Common Mistakes For Hiding Thinning Hair   Whether young or old, adapting to sudden changes in your physical appearance is not easy. Furthermore,

Here Are The Five Reasons Why You Should Pair a Shaved Head With Facial Hair We love the shaved head look! We’re also fortunate

When men come to us at Skalp they are most often looking for a solution to their premature hair loss that will look natural

Beware the Unhairy! Micro pigmentation is a great idea and done by qualified and experienced practitioners the results usually delight.  But in the hands

Tony’s Story with SMP- As Featured on BESTFIT TV. There’s nothing like someone else’s experience to help us recognise our own struggles and Tony

Your Questions answered What is Scalp Micropigmentation? Scalp Micropigmentation is a medical hairline tattoo and is the ultimate in non-surgical male and female scalp

Beating the big freeze with winter hair care Its time to start considering winter hair care. I know, It only seems like yesterday we

The darker side of hair extensions Even though we are currently amidst a recession, the hair extension industry, which could safely be considered a

How hair loss can signpost major health issues There is no getting away from the fact that loss of hair, or thinning hair does

  With the arrival of Micro Pigmentation, a better understanding of why baldness occurs, and the presence of other solutions for hair loss, there

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